Fonds de Dotation Mir Pyarumian van Goens


To achieve its purpose, the Foundations means of action include the following:

  1. The organisation of and contribution to the organisation of concerts, meetings, events, studies and/or publications of a cultural and educational nature with a view to the dissemination and promotion of the musical and philosophical works of Mir Pyaromir Maheboob khan and Daniel Francois van Goens, as well as Indian classical music.
  2. The management within the pavilion known as ‘Cap Hollandais’ of spaces dedicated to conferences and musical, musicological and research activities, to the reception of the public and to the accommodation of participants on a temporary basis and at a moderate price; these spaces are put at the disposal of the Endowment Fund, free of charge, by its founders, who are the owners of undivided rights in the building.
  3. To contribute to the preservation of the historical character of the pavilion known as ‘Cap Hollandais’.
  4. The creation and development of links and actions with other Associations, Foundations or Endowment Funds, as well as other institutions that could contribute to the achievement of the Fund’s objectives.
  5. To collect funds, rights and movable or immovable property through manual donations, gifts or bequests, in order to implement actions and achieve the objectives of the Foundation.
  6. To contribute to the financing of actions carried out by other Associations, Foundations or Endowment Funds which work directly or indirectly to achieve the objectives of the Foundation.
  7. And in general, any other means of action which contributes directly or indirectly to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Foundation.