Fonds de Dotation Mir Pyarumian van Goens

Financial resources

The resources of the Fund consist of:

  • income from the capital endowment;
  • the share of the capital endowment which the Board of Directors has authorised to be used;
  • the proceeds of activities carried out in furtherance of the Fund’s purpose;
  • sums received as a result of an appeal to public generosity within the framework of the administrative authorisations issued for this purpose, unless the Board of Directors decides to allocate the said sums to the capital endowment;
  • the proceeds of payments for services rendered;
  • proceeds from the sale of movable or immovable property received by gift, donation or bequest, unless the Board of Directors decides to allocate the said sums to the capital endowment;
  • other resources and grants not prohibited by law.